Friday, August 15, 2008

Of Cabbages, Colleges and Kings

I'm finally home! I've been out of town for two weeks, having a wonderful time with friends and family as well an eleven hundred mile trip scouting out the nation's best colleges, but I am so happy to be home. In my house. Where I live.

Once I get my photos developed I will show you how I debased the John Harvard statue and in other ways left an indelible, angry mark on Harvard's campus (did I mention I'm a little anti-Harvard?) It's pretty hilarious.

A bad thing about my super college quest is that I'm 2000 words behind in my word count. I've never gotten that far off track, so will have to be planning and writing my butt off this weekend. I also have a review due on Monday and two more books to read after that... yikes! And summer homework!

Tomorrow, look for a WORD on planning for writing time during the school year and the announcement of our next bookshelf interviewee. Next week promises to have more, longer posts, as I will hopefully remain at the same address for more than two seconds.

Library Sparks published my article, Going Green with Ida B, in their web resources section. They do such a beautiful job with layout. Find out about this amazing book at

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